Our Story

Our story begins with the fight for survival when my grandparents fled Vietnam by boat to escape from the Vietnam war. They risked their lives to flee from oppression and hardship, finally arriving at what can be called a new beginning, Freedom in Canada.

My grandparents opened the very first Vietnamese restaurant in Lethbridge known as “The Saigonese '' thirty years ago. The Saigonese was a monument that created long lasting memories for my family and families of this amazing Lethbridge community. My mom, wanting to continue their legacy, made the remarkable decision to follow in the footsteps of her parents by creating her own legacy now called “Saigonese Express.”

I would like to thank everyone for their continuing love and support. We look forward to seeing everyone and the joy that our food brings again!

~ Kiana Perry (Granddaughter/Daughter of Saigonese)